Thursday 1 January 2009

New Year's Day

So I eventually decided to get out of bed. Flu had started to hit me the night before and I was in two minds about what to do. But then, pictures don't come to you, you have to go out and get them. I had always missed the New Year's Day parade in London and didn't even know that it was called "London Parade". I really wanted to be good. New year, new start, new whatever. I wrapped up warm, gulped down half a cup of lemsip and embarked on the first photo op of the year. Yeah, it could've been on New Year's Eve but I had snuggled up to the warm radiator in my local pub in Highgate and didn't let go of it until the obligatory holding of hands during "Auld Lang Syne" and the traditional exchange of germs thereafter. I was in bed by 00:20.
I got to Westminster quite early and wandered through the parade as the participants where getting ready. The first people I stumbled upon where a group of clowns. Or would that be a "giggle of clowns"? I don't really like clowns but these guys were so very nice and friendly and cheered me up. Especially Dez with his "2009 glasses". Further on, I pitied the American cheerleaders in their skimpy costumes and was almost gassed by some ancient Morris Minor fumes. As it's the "London Parade", it couldn't happen without proper London royalty. The Pearly Kings and Queens of the various boroughs. I even found the Pearly King & Queen of Highgate. Surely not. In the end, I didn't stay long but I was glad that I did get out of bed to accomplish something.
Happy New Year everyone!

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