Saturday 3 January 2009

"I have a cunning plan!"

Or rather, "I had a cunning plan" because I just didn't quite get it together. The intention had been to take at least one photo a day - a kind of 365-day project - and on 2 January I already falter. I blame it on the flu. It's so good to apportion blame on someone or something. De dum. I feel better now.

But on 3 January I'm back out in force. Because of the Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip, a huge demonstration has been called. I almost run over Tony Benn at the head of the march who suddenly appeared behind me with a woolly hat and no pipe. However, I manage to save the situation by uttering a faint "hello, how are you?" Pushing and shoving is on order and the lighting situation under Hungerford Bridge is awful. People are either half in shadow or half in bright sunlight or both. After a while the march begins to snake its way to the Houses of Parliament and the Cenotaph. Just behind the monument, a small group of photographers has set up shop. I see Marc V. again. He gets the shot of a burning Israeli flag. I don't. There's also Edmond T. with three Canons dangling from his neck and Jeff M. is also around. As the protest march slowly passes, shoes are thrown towards Downing Street. We probably all get the same shots. Shoes, the police cordon protecting the Prime Minister, irate protesters. When the demonstration has wound its way past me, I walk across the field of shoes and get a few more snaps as some people have left personal messages with them. I find them moving. Of course, I get late to the Trafalgar Square rally and circle the square a few times. Just no space of diving in. When the crowd finally disperses, I can see that a group of hassidic jews is holding up placards for a "free Palestine" and a tiny Palestinian boy, towering over the masses by sitting on his father's shoulders, is proudly making the "victory sign". Sweet. He has got a great big smile on his face. He is way too young to understand what is going on around him. Later I take pictures at the embassy in the High Street Ken area but I feel it's time to go home.

Here is a link to some images which I have posted on Photoshelter:

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